Thursday, March 25, 2010

Philippians 3

Watch out for those people who tell you that you must DO things to be saved, to be close to God, to be declared "righteous" in his sight. It is we who worship by the Spirit of God that are truly saved, sanctified, and righteous in his sight. For we rely on what Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort.

Though, if anyone could have confidence in themselves, I could! I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin... indeed, I am what you'd call a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law -- which I obeyed without fault. I was, by the standards of these people, "righteous." I was so zealous... I even harshly persecuted the church.

But these very credentials that some people are wave around as something special, I now consider worthless. Whatever was to my profit by human standards I now consider garbage compared with the privilege of knowing Jesus my Lord, my Master, my Friend. For his sake I have discarded everything I once thought was significant, so that I may embrace Christ and be embraced by him. I didn't want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Jesus. No, I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know him personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself.

I don't mean to say I've already achieved these things or that I've already reached perfection. But I press on to make it my own because Christ has made me his own. I have chosen to focus on one thing: forgetting the past - especially what was to my profit - and looking ahead to where he is leading, I fix my eyes on the goal where God is beckoning us onward to Christ.

I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Finding our muchness...

Something that's been rattling around in my brain a lot recently is the idea of "becoming" who we already are. Kelly touched on this in her entry and in the verses from Galatians - so good. This is something that I think the Lord as been stealthily trying to sear into my brain for a while now. (This is Anna, duh.)

So while watching Alice in Wonderland over the weekend, I was again reminded. Not to give any spoilers or anything, but in the movie Alice is confronted with the question of if she is, or is not, Alice. Is she herself? Who is she really? One comment that the Mad Hatter makes to her about halfway through the film is,
"Alice, you've lost your muchness." This comment seems to haunt her for a good portion of her journey.

I identify with that. I often feel that I've "lost my muchness." To me, this means that sometimes I feel like I've past my prime - like when I discover the patch of gray hairs on my temple or struggle to run 3 miles on the treadmill when I used to be able to run 20. I hate that feeling. Sometimes it means that I feel that way with God. Like when I remember the passion and fire and simple faith that I had in high school, and I feel defeated at the complications in my spiritual life in the present.

We are confronted with this idea of not being "much" enough everywhere. It's pervasive - you are not good enough as you are. I feel this way as a Christian often. I always struggle with the feeling that I've got to do more. That I'm not good enough. That I don't pray enough or meditate on the Word enough. That somehow, I don't have God's approval.

But then I settle down and read Ephesians. Ephesians always seems to get my head on straight when I'm lost. (All of the verses below come from The Message)

It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and go our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. (Eph 1:11-12)

Then Paul goes into this prayer for the Ephesians...

I ask the God of our Master Jesus Christ to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in who trust him - endless energy, boundless strength! (Eph 1:17-19)

Then he launches into this beautiful statement of Christ's power... where we get this energy and strength from. Resurrection power! The same power that raised Christ from the dead is the power that we have access to. Crazy.

In chapter 3, we get to one of my favorite verses...

Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Eph 3:19-20)

I think the point is this. Paul is reminding the Ephesians who they already are. They have been saved. It was not through their own power. They are being sanctified. Again, not through their own power. They ARE. God had them before they were even aware. God has had us before we were even aware. We HAVE our muchness! It's in Christ.

So my challenge to myself is to remember. To not forget (as I so easily do) that my muchness is in Christ.

And just like Alice, knowing that I have "muchness" will change the way I live. Realizing it will free me to live out of it. Out of him.

"Lost my muchness have I? We'll see about that."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

All Those Jiggy With Jesus

Chow main noodles. (Tis i, whit)

This whole thing is weird you know. Having friends in Korea. And having other people, from wherever they are in the world, read about our lives here. I hope that they come visit, your friends and family that is. I'd like to meet them all. And anyone else you love for that matter. I'd say it would be nice to meet your boyfriends, but we all know that none of you (us) have any. Which is also weird.
If you are reading this blog, I'd like to meet you.
Also, if your single and happen to be male, you should come here, odds are you'd leave with a girl friend (or eight).

If it was up to me, I'd say that there is something unusual about this whole thing... this Korea thing.
It's odd how we are all here, and have managed to find each other.It's also weird how all of Biola migrated to Korea and will soon, migrate to Canada (because I know you are all so curious). What else is weird, is that more people keep coming. And not just everyday people you pass on the street, although many people do. People who you meet and want to keep meeting, over and over. People who change other peoples lives, in big, big ways. People who are all strangely good looking, talented, generous, deeply caring, have good taste in music, drink wine is mass amounts, are seeking and being sought, who want to change and be changed.
People who are so the same, yet different.
We're all a bunch of Jesus freaks, who are simultaneously being freakish in Korea, together. Which is the most baffling part of it all: we're together and it's hard to be here without feeling like we're in the center of everything good and true in this world.

Before everything changed (before I got friends), I used to sit underneath the pink and yellow flower decals left on my apartment wall. I convinced myself that I was in a secret garden in an unknown land, sent there to document its mystery through letters, pictures and horoscopes written to friends in distant counties - and by doing so, somehow move through that unrecognizable rite of passage everyone talks about - gaining insurmountable insight, maturity and understanding of everything past, present and future.

I'd by lying if I said that Korea has given me that. In many ways, in most ways, its given me everything and anything but that. I dearly miss that "secret garden" plastered to the wall of my empty apartment but I've since discerned that self-realization and oneness is nearly impossible without the help of others, no matter how inspiring the world around us may be. The secret gardens and imaginative spaces we create to draw more life out of ourselves (although small miracles in their own right) are only an illusion in comparison to the life others are called to draw out in us. It's taken me a lifetime and a year in a foreign country to figure out that community is where it is at. Which is what I've been trying to say with all of these run-on sentences.

In Acts 2: 42-47 says something like:

"All those jiggy with Jesus devoted themselves to the apostles teachings, to living life to the fullest together, and to sharing all sorts of ethnic meals together while sitting on the ground, and to praying unceasingly for each other with a sort of burning and longing that was unknown in that land.
A deep sense of awe came over all of them and they were changed so radically, everyone noticed them. They stood out everywhere they went. They were all so beautiful, as if to be a reflection of heaven itself.
Miraculous signs and wonders followed them, some got sick (and some had worms in their feet) but they were healed. Some spoke in tongues, had dreams of the future and saw angels breathe fire before their very eyes. Others prayer languages resounded through out the land, they laid hands on each other and even their bones ached with joy.
They met together at Whitney's house and shared everything they had. Their clothes were rotated between them, when someone needed something the others gave it to them, even more than half of their own kingdoms. They shared their beds and slept on each others floors.
The spirit was so alive that even as they slept, they were awake and their hearts stirred within them. They worshiped together, waiting in joyful expectation and sang while some of them played instruments.
They held hands and laid hands and their gifts were made known through their unity. For this they were filled with gratitude.
Every time they met they shared the Lord's supper. They broke bread and wine glasses, sharing their meals with great joy and generosity. All the while praising God and delighting the all the richness and goodness and beauty of each other.
And each Wednesday the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved and because of this the He sustained them by providing giant pots of homemade soup, melodious singing, modern dancing and contagious amounts of laughter."

If you were ever wondering what it was like to see Acts lived out, come visit.
Don't get me wrong life in Korea can be more impossible and undesirable than anything else.
It is easy to grow tainted by our unworthiness and exhausted by the limitations of others. We become all together too distant and too close all at once, stifled by buildings and trampled on by their shadows but our prayers are steadfast in the light of the gifts he has given us and we delight in every way to watch each other become more alive here.
God's Kingdom is alive and it is being built up all over the world... but in Korea, even the traffic lights change in heavenly patterns. So do we - all shifting and changing, together and apart - being established in realms beyond our comprehension and being appointed to make them known to those around us.

Though some of us may be drinkers and dreamers, and others just plain drinkers (won't mention any names...) one thing is for sure: its great to be drinking and dreaming in Korea, with you all.

Chow chi from the high ridge.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

just thoughts.

after taking forever to figure out the damn e-mail…. i'm finally in (shut up kel)..

so lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and the retreat was extremely good for my soul, my heart, just my being. it was so good to be in the Word with u all, worshiping, sharing, praying... it was so good. i live for weekends like that, when we come together, lay our worries at the door and let God do His thing. and He definitely did.

This might, and is a simple concept but it has rocked my world and I have already shared it with some of ya’ll, and the more I talk about, the more I am affirmed in my thinking. So it thought I would share it with ya’ll..
- I am a child of Christ
- He chose me to be His daughter, to be part of His family
- I have a personal, deep, growing relationship with the Almighty, the Creator, my Savior

My salvation does not depend on spiritual gifts, we are all created to be different, God fearing women with different purposes, strengths and passions. I need not to be afraid of the Spirit and to not limit God, for He can do all things. I want (and am trying daily) to welcome the Spirit in all forms. I want my life to be a living testament of God’s goodness and love, in whatever form that may be in. I pray for myself that I will be receptive towards the Spirit and to not instinctively put the “happenings” in a negative light. THIs might be elementary for some, but it’s still something that I am seeking Jesus after.

I am honored to be part of a God-fearing, loving, growing community as this. We are all blessed individually and then come together to build a ministry through unity (as kels mentioned). We are a body therefore created with different gifts, and to use these gifts within the community is what God has called and ordained. God is good, I am so glad we serve the Almighty.

Lovin u. always.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

unity is a ministry

I've recently had this revelation. The story goes a little like this (feel free to read it in chunks if its easier to soak in):

Oh and p.s. this is kelsey.

Since I've been around everyone, and seen the work God is doing in us, I have been persistently asking myself (since about September) what our ministry is. "Maybe we are supposed to help N.K. refugees. Maybe its the homeless. Maybe its orphans. It HAS to be one thing," I thought, "God wouldn't bring us all together just to give us all different ministries here." So I figured I just had to wait...

... come December I'm like "ok! this is it! we are going to have a bit of a break, then WHABAM, a ministry will come."


...February, and I'm started to get psyched out to say the least.

Then is started to unfold bit by bit.

Bit #1: The Vision
It came when we were praying at our Thursday morning bible study. We had been talking about Mins moving w/ Whit and our hearts in it all.
I was in a body, it wasn't "my" body, but it represented everyone. I felt frustrated because I couldn't see myself. I was trying to look at myself and all I could see was my lower body. My perspective was impaired, and terminally limited. Then we looked up at each other. And I could see each other in entirety. And I knew I was seen in entirety. Not an inch of our bodies were hidden from each other, because we could physically see all of each other. Then I looked into that other person's eyes, and I saw a light beaming out of them. I knew this was the light of Christ. I knew I didn't have to look anywhere else. My gaze was fixed, I was fully known. As this vision unfolded, I knew this was a process we were each going through right then...

Bit#2: The Revelation
I was reading my bible when Me, Tay, and Newms went to Gangneung. I was reading the portion of John where Jesus prays for all believers. This is so powerful.

"My prayer is not for them alone (his disciples). I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you."
---wait... whaaaat? 'just as you are in me and I am in you?'

lets keep on...
"May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me"

Bit #3: The Processing
I knew I had to relay this to everyone. But I felt like I still had to absorb it all. Its been on my mind for a while, and I feel like I've come to a complete thought about it all: Unity is our Ministry.
Unity does not mean the same. Unity does not mean always being together. Unity does not even mean having the 'same calling'. It means being 'one, just as the Spirit of God is in Jesus, and Jesus is in the Spirit of God'.
In the vision, we looked away from ourselves and toward each other. This humbled us. This brought a complete perspective. This allowed us to see the light of Christ. In the revelation this vision became confirmed by scripture, but a new element was added on: the ministry that comes through others witnessing this unity.

Bit #4: The Challenge
We are different. God has given us each different purposes, skills, qualities, and gifts of the spirit. After Christ's resurrection, the disciples were never all together at the same time for extended periods. They knew that they had work to do and if they only shinned their light to each other they wouldn't be effective. They would come together, often, in the Unity of Christ, refocus, recharge, then fast/pray and be sent out again. This is God's calling for us. This is the prayer of Christ for us. I am so grateful that God has brought us all together, and blessed us with this ability.

From Christ's lips to your ears, our ministry is unity.

Lord, I pray that we will be able to "drink the cup the Father has given" us. I pray that we will endure the sacrifice that comes with this. May we be unity. May peace be within us, that we may have confidence in this ministry. A confidence that allows us to take more risks. A confidence that allows us to bring others into your presence. A confidence that allows us to take on the humble work of Christ. A confidence brings the miraculous works of Christ. A confidence that only comes through being united with each other and with you, that you may be further glorified. May we bask in your glory, that you have given us. May we see the fruits of our labor. May we be filled with boldness to venture into the callings you unfold for each of us. May we be content and confident in the unity we have with you and each other. We are so confident that you hear this. I lift this all up to you. May you guard us from anything that could try to be destructive to this ministry.
In the name of Christ I give this fully to you.